The Dangers of Resume Overkill
Nearly everything written about resume design concentrates on what you should put in. But let’s look at what should be left out, or at least minimized. Item #1: Salary history or salary requirements. I’ve never heard one good reason to mention your past, current, or expected salary. If you see a classified ad that says,…
Read MoreBeefing Up an Anemic Resume
To get the most mileage out of your resume, you’ll want to emphasize certain aspects of your background. By doing so, you’ll present your qualifications in the most favorable light, and help give the employer a better understanding of your potential value to his or her organization. To build a stronger case for your candidacy,…
Read MoreChoosing The Best Resume Format
Your resume can be arranged in one of two basic formats: summary or chronological. The summary (or functional) resume distills your total work experience into major areas of expertise, and focuses the reader’s attention on your accumulated skills. The chronological resume presents your skills and accomplishments within the framework of your past employers. (Actually, it…
Read MoreA Stronger Resume Will Increase Your Odds
Reality Check: Given the choice of two candidates of equal ability, hiring managers will always prefer to interview the one with the most artfully constructed and attractive resume. For that reason, candidates with superb qualifications are often overlooked. And companies end up hiring from a more shallow pool of talent; a pool made up of…
Read MoreResume Design: Tips and Templates That Get Results
Employers prefer crisp-looking resumes that get to the point. By using the example on this page as a template, you’ll improve both the style and the substance your resume. Layout Add interest and clarity by using bullets, indents and varying font styles (such as bold and italic letters). Avoid using unconventional fonts or adding…
Read MoreTen Keys to a Dynamite Resume
To help you construct a better, more powerful resume, here are ten overall considerations in regard to your resume’s content and presentation: 1. Position title and job description. Provide your title, plus a detailed explanation of your duties and accomplishments. Since job titles are often misleading or their function may vary from one company to another,…
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